The difference about Giguere? His mask, Jiggy has a new mask
This is also featured on the other side of his mask, there is a ref with his hand up, which may be calling for icing, he's hanging off of the silhouette of a palm tree there's gusts of winds blowing. Not exactly sure what that means, though.
Jiggy's new mask
Here is a comparison with with his new mask and his old mask, this is by someone who is on the Ducks boards The Duck on his new mask is more conservative than his older mask,but still is the tron duck as half of it. And has become his trademark white duck. The duck on his mask has always been intricate. Though his mask looks more conservative, it still looks mean; there's a giant screw protruding from the duck's neck which makes it look like frankenduck andblood dripping from the bolt.On the front of the beak and the head, there looks to be fresh cuts with more blood dripping from it. It makes the duck look even more hostile. The new duck still has the robot cyborg on one side but like said, not as much as his previous mask. He still has the Ducks D with the lighting strikes going to the back of his mask. He also has the names both of his sons Maxime and Luka on his backplate which is what I believe is the L in cursive you see in the first provided photo. On the chin of his mask it is the same I believe as his old mask, which has the Honda Center on the front with silhouttes of trees blowing in the winds, which is most likely representing the Santa Ana winds that Southern California Natives are used too. The right side of the beak on his Duck has is in black and white and the rest goes into color.
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