Coach Randy Carlyle is hinting towards ridding of the "If you win. You're in" theory, philosophy. Widely criticized by fans, Carlyle is saying he may change this, is he being brought to light about the fact that this situation doesn't work? Or is this just all talk from him? I'd like to know I'm one who has been widely critical of this "If you win. You're in" philosophy. J.S. Giguere doesn't seem to like it at all according to the OC Register Article by a well known name on his usual Quick Hits of practice rundowns, Eric Stephans. And as I said, Giguere doesn't like it, again he'll be criticized for his comments but lets face it; Giguere is very outspoken about things he doesn't like, he has shown frustration in his comments to the media but like said the reality is as harsh as his comments may seem to people they're true. I'd really like to know what Hiller thinks of this but he's such a quiet guy. It'd be a little surprising he said anything with Hiller, he likes the attention fans give him, who doesn't? There's nothing wrong with what Hiller likes about the fan attention. Otherwise, he's not much of a talker nothing wrong with that. He's lucky enough to play in a place like Orange County where for the most part, the media doesn't necessarily horde their professional athletes. Hiller has a very cool and laid back and quite personality it seems like most Swiss do.
As to Giguere's comments as stated before, things that he says to the media are true and I agree with him on his comments about this philosophy Carlyle seems too stubborn to let go.
Quotes from Boys in the Crease:
“If you keep going, good things could happen,” Giguere acknowledged. ”Sometimes a judgment call is more appropriate than that. I think at this point, Jonas and I have got to just take it one day at a time, not worry too much about the next game and just worry when you’re called upon and try to give the team a chance.”
“I’d be lying if I’d say it’s not in the back of our minds,” Giguere said. ”My mind anyway, I don’t about Jonas. You go into the third, it’s a tie game or whatever and you think about if you want to keep playing, you absolutely need to win. You can’t give up that next goal.
“It’s a good thing in a way because it makes you want to play well to keep playing. But it’s an extra pressure you probably don’t need at this point.”
Maybe there's a misunderstanding or maybe I'm too much of a Giguere "homer" to otherwise say Giguere's comments are down right blatant and are of blaming Carlyle, like few fans have said. (Just read the comments in the linked article) Giguere isn't a goalie to keep quite about something he disagrees with. I really wouldn't be surprised if he has gone into Carlyle's office and spoken about this whole thing with him. And surely, Hiller doesn't like for Hiller just because someone is quiet, and isn't so outspoken doesn't mean he has no opinion of it. I couldn't see Hiller not liking this. This has probably factored into Hiller's slight struggles, maybe he's not struggling maybe he just needs to adjust more but he sure isn't going to be able to do that with this "If you win. You're in" It doesn't help either goalie, like Jiggy said, the extra pressure isn't needed.
Are we going to see Giguere 3-4 games and Hiller 3-4 games? Some how unless proven further, I'm a naysayer about this. I hope I'm proven wrong in the game against the Dallas Stars on Tuesday (tomorrow) If Giguere is in then I'm going to choke in disbelief along with many other fans. A goalie losing by one goal, then benching him? Lets be redundant and repetitive here and reprieve this: It's absolutely ridiculous. 3-2 Sharks good bye Hiller you're on the bench, loss in overtime goodbye Giguere you're on the bench.
Did Carlyle stick his head in the freezer and keep it there on this "If you lose, you're out" or what?
There is high hopes of Carlyle ridding of this, lets hope Randy sees the light in this, because that's one thing the Ducks aren't going to get out of the woods with constant switching goaltenders. In fact, lets look at some of these games. Hiller and Giguere have made saves to keep the team in the game or keep from digging a deeper hole. Sure, there's goals they shouldn't of allowed, but to put all the blame one person is just down right dumb. Yes, there's been skaters who have been benched for their poor play but Giguere and Hiller are a lot more highlighted than a skater is due to their position. Something both of them and every goalie understands, when they decide to take up this decision. He or she knows, they're one of the biggest assets to the team. The Ducks need to win and that's all there is to it. And this "If you win.You're in" will not help. If it did help, why have the Ducks lost 5 straight and why are the Ducks in 15th place in the Western Conference? Randy's a little late to realize that his philosophy doesn't work either that and more likely, he's just too stubborn to put it forth the fact it isn't working.
Hey Randy, please stop putting a huge amount of pressure on Giguere and Hiler, oh and give them a chance to win give them a chance to actually get the ball rolling. You have NOT done that lately. Hiller did get a chance when Giguere was injured, he did get more "consistent" starts near the beginning of the season but give him another chance because really, you have prevented from lets see who is the clear cut No 1 goalie. So far, neither of them has really proved that, one because they can't. two there's struggling between both goalies and three this team needs to come together and the defense needs to learn how to play without Pronger.
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